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Bevoegd gezag: gemeente
Toon producten van: Breda
Digitaal aanvragen: ja
Zoekresultaat 141 - 142 van 142 resultaten
- Refugee passport
If you live in the Netherlands, do not have Dutch nationality and have a type III or IV residence permit, you need a refugee passport to travel abroad. Arrange an appointment with the council. You can collect this after 6 working days. Collect the passport in person.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2024-12-19
- Obtaining Dutch nationality
You can request Dutch citizenship at the council, either by option or through naturalisation, but only if you are registered with Breda council. If you want to apply for Dutch citizenship, arrange an appointment beforehand.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2024-12-19